Prepare your pizza oven. We do a Neapolitan style which we cover in our Neapolitan Pizza Recipe targeting 1,000 degrees in the oven and a stone that is 700 degrees. For the oven see notes below.
Lightly coat the pizza peel with flour. Gently form the pizza dough into an 11 – 13 inch circle on your pizza peel. With a large spoon add the sauce to the center and then even it out on the dough. Follow the sauce with the cheeses. Drop the crumbled fresh mozzarella and ricotta evenly over the white pizza sauce. Top with the onions and the mushrooms.
Gently shift the pizza on the peel to make sure it will slide slightly. If not carefully lift the edge of the pizza and dust the peel with more flour. Then slide it onto the pizza stone.
With a pizza peel slowly turn the pizza in quarter turns every 15 seconds until its cooked through with the edges crusty and browned and the cheese melted.
White Sauce Pizza in a Conventional Oven: If using an oven set the oven to 550 degrees Fahrenheit with the pizza stone on the middle rack. Wait 30 minutes so the stone can heat up to 500 – 550 degrees F. Slide the pizza on the stone and cook for 5 minutes. Rotate the pizza 180 degrees for additional 5 minutes until done. Be sure to watch the pizza as ovens are not even.