Slowly smoked corned beef round that is perfect for St. Patrick's Day or to make awesome corned beef sandwiches. This recipe works for any pre-brined (pre-corned) corned beef roast.
Preheat Smoker: Prepare smoker to 250 degrees F using fruit wood like cherry or apple.
Prep Corned Beef: Remove the corned beef round from the packaging and discard excess liquid. Trim off any excess fat from the exterior of the round and then pat dry with a paper towel. Season with pepper and kosher salt.
Smoke: Place the meat on the smoker, and smoke the round for 4 hours or until the internal temperature at the thickest part of the roast reaches 135 degrees. Remove from smoker and let rest for 30 minutes.
Serve: Slice against the grain. On a round there are two directions to the grain, so you'll want to adjust the round as you continue to slice. Serve with your favorite sides.
Brisket Flat: For a brisket or to make your own brine/cure, you can follow our instructions for a smoked corned beef brisket. The timing and the internal temperature is different than a typical corned beef roast.Seasoning: Go light on the salt in any rub you elect to use. The meat will have a residual salty flavor from the brine.How Long will it take? Our roast was an 8-pound roast and took four hours. A 4-pound roast should take roughly 2 hours. But make sure you cook to temperature not time. Pastrami versus Corned Beef - Pastrami is very similar in that it is cured in a similar pickling liquid. The biggest difference is that pastrami has a specific spice rub of herbs and paprika, and then steamed after being smoked.