1tablespoonrub (from above: salt and pepper combination)
Preheat smoker to 225 degrees with fruit wood.
Trim silver skin off short ribs, coat with olive oil and season liberally with salt and pepper (depending on the size of your short ribs you may or may not use all of the dry rub. Just make sure it's applied liberally based on the size of your meat).
Place short ribs on the smoker for two hours and prepare your spritz.
After two hours begin spritzing ribs every 30 minutes for one to two hours. Look for the meat pulling back off the bone and a good mahogany color as the indicator it is ready for the braise.
When the color looks good and meat is pulling back from the bone (internal temp of roughly 165 degrees F or 3 to 4 hours on smoke), add to an aluminum pan. In the pan add the braising ingredients: wine, beef broth, dry rub (or salt and pepper), and butter. Cover tightly with foil and put back into the smoker.
After one hour, use a meat thermometer to probe short ribs, the ribs are done when you can insert the thermometer and the feel is like inserting into butter. There should not be much resistance, if it’s not like butter it is not quite done yet, and keep cooking until it is. Could be up to two hours in the braise.
After you have determined it’s done (roughly 200 - 205 degrees Fahrenheit), remove from smoker and let sit covered for 15 minutes.
Remove from bath and serve with your favorite side and a glass of delicious red wine.
For portions - plan on one pound per person. That accounts for a good amount of meat with the bone adding to the weight.For the dry rub you may not use all of it. You can save leftover rub and use it for future cooks assuming you did not touch the rub with hands that touched raw meat.