Roasting almonds using a low and slow method to get an amazing smoky flavor and crunch. We add a touch of extra virgin olive oil and kosher salt to finish.
Preheat smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit using cherry, apple or oak.
Place almonds in an open dish and place into the smoker for one hour. Stir after the first hour and continue smoking one more hour.
After two hours of smoking, mix the olive oil and salt with the almonds in the same dish and stir. Close lid and smoke one additional hour.
Remove from smoker and then add the teaspoon of salt and mix. Serve warm, or place into a food safe storage container or mason jar and store for up to 4 weeks in the pantry.
Reheating: You can reheat the almonds at any point. Simply place into a food safe dish into an oven at 225 degrees F for 15 minutes. The lower temperature is to slowly warm them versus roasting them any further.Storing Smoked Almonds is best in an airtight freezer bag or mason jar.