Warm Oven: Pre-warm the pizza oven so the pizza stone is 700 degrees Fahrenheit measured using a good instant read IR thermometer. The ambient cooking temperature will be 900 – 950 degrees F.
Prep Dough: Lightly flour a wooden pizza peel. Place the dough ball on the center of the pizza peel. With your fingers, gently press the dough in the center and slowly press and work your way outward to stretch the dough into a 10 or 11-inch width. Use your fingers to then pinch around the edge so you have a slightly larger edge than the center.
Make Pizza: Lift the edges of the dough and dust with more flour so it’s easy to slide off the peel. While dough is on the wooden peel, add the tomato sauce and spread out with a large spoon in a light coating. Add the mozzarella cheese and then the soppressatta, coppa, and peppers. Distribute the toppings evently.
Bake: Place the pizza in the pizza oven with the stone at 700 degrees. Using a turning pizza peel, slowly rotate the pizza every 10 – 15 seconds to allow for an even cook. After the pizza has rotated fully, the edges should have raised, and the cheese should be slightly bubbling. You can lift the pizza and see if the bottom of the crust has the right leopard style spots.
Slice: Remove the pizza, and then top with a light amount of olive oil and then some finishing salt. Slice and serve.
Modification for the Kitchen Oven:If you do not have a pizza oven that can get a stone to 700 degrees, the next best option is to use your oven and a pizza stone. This method is inspired by Ken Forkish, a legend in wood fired pizzas.Total cooking time (excluding the preheat): 8 minutes
Position your pizza stone to the third slot from the broiler (6-8 inches from the broiler). Preheat your oven and pizza stone to 550 degrees F for 30 minutes.
Then put the broiler on high for 10 minutes. This adds more heat to get the pizza stone to 600 degrees F. You don’t want the stone on the top slot as the amount of heat may crack the stone.
After 10 minutes, turn off broil and adjust the heat back to 550 degrees F and then place the pizza directly on the stone. Cook for two minutes, and then rotate the pizza 180 degrees using a turning pizza peel or tongs.
Let cook an additional 4 minutes and then turn the broiler on high. Cook an additional 2 minutes under broiler or until you see the mozzarella melted and the base of the dough cooked.