Prepare grill for two-zone grilling targeting 450 degrees Fahrenheit inside the grill.
Coat the chicken breasts with olive oil and then liberally apply the dry rub.
Place the seasoned chicken over direct heat and grill, covered, for 6 – 7 minutes. It should develop a nice crust from the flame. Flip and continue to grill for additional 5 minutes.
Start checking the temperature of the chicken with a good instant read thermometer after 10 minutes total grill time. Remove from the grill when the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 160 degrees F and let rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve.
To Tenderize and Flatten Chicken:
Lay out the chicken on a cutting board or sheet pan and cover with plastic wrap. We use plastic wrap so that it’s easy to see the chicken and to protect your kitchen from any splattering.
Using the meat tenderizer (on flat side, not the spiked side), gently strike the thicker portions of the breast. Try to angle the strikes so you are striking from the center of the breast toward the sides. This way you are moving the muscle to stretch rather than creating a potential hole. The goal is to make the chicken thickness unison (so that one side is not thicker).
Pat the chicken dry with a paper towel so it’s ready for seasoning.
Troubleshooting: If your grill is running hot - then after 10 minutes of direct grilling, move to the indirect side to finish. This will prevent burning the meat.