12mediumjalapeños, sliced in half, ribs and seeds removed(should be about 1 pound of jalapenos)
18-ouncewheel of brie(We used Primo Taglio® Brie)
12slicesprosciutto, cut in half lengthwise for 24 total slices(We used 2 packs of Primo Taglio® Prosciutto VP)
1/4cupcherry jam
Prepare the grill for direct grilling with lump charcoal. Target 300 - 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cut the brie wheel into 24 slices (aroudn 1/4 inch thick and about 2" long). Place the single slice of brie into the jalapeno half pressing it into the pepper. Add 1/2 teaspoon of jam onto the brie.
Take the single slice of prosciutto and cut in half lengthwise so you have long strips. Using one strip, wrap the pepper tightly covering the jam and brie. Do this for all 24 peppers.
For ease, place the peppers on a cookie drying rack and place onto the grill over the direct heat. Close the lid to maintain the temperature and grill for 12 - 14 minutes or until the prosciutto is crispy, the cheese melts, and the jalapenos are soft.
Remove the poppers from the grill and let sit for 5 minutes and then serve warm.
Grilling Note: If the grill has hot spots, or hotter areas than others, you may need to move some poppers that are crisping up early to keep the cooking even. Just move the poppers closer to done to a cooler area using long tongs.Hot spots tend to happen because you started the grill in one specific place. Prevent hot spots by starting with a charcoal chimney for even burning, or move the lit charcoal around your grill so it's lit throughout. Chef's Tip: We use a cookie drying rack so we can move the poppers on and off at the same time.