1poundFresh Green Chiles(Hatch Green Chile, Hatch Red Chile, or Anaheim Chiles)
Prepare grill for direct grilling, targeting 500 degrees F as the ambient temperature in the grill.
Place the fresh green peppers on the grill grate over direct heat. Grill for two minutes or until the skin blisters. Flip and continue to grill other side until the skin blisters (about 2 minutes per side). For larger peppers you may need to repeat.
Remove with long tongs and store in a one gallon plastic baggie or equivalent freezer bag. After one hour, remove the stems and skin. Then gently scrape the seeds away.
Preparation: Be sure the green chile is rinsed and dried completely. You don’t want moisture. There is nothing else needed. Just roast the green chiles directly over the heat source.Storing: Use immediately in a recipe or store for up to one week in an airtight container. Otherwise freeze after removing stem and skin.