Removing Ash and Charcoal – Start by removing any remaining charcoal and ash from the firebox using an ash tool or vacuum cleaner. This step ensures optimal airflow and efficient grilling. Discard ash every 3 cooks in an ash safe container. Note: If this is early in the year then scrub down the firebox and lid before vacuuming so the soot and creosote can fall into the firebox.
Scrubbing the Firebox and Grate – Use a wad of aluminum foil to scrub the firebox and grate. Remove any stubborn grease, creosote, or residue, paying extra attention to the areas surrounding the vents. We tend not to use any water or soap on the interior of the Egg.
Cleaning the Inner Wall – Wipe down the upper chamber of the Big Green Egg using a wad of aluminum foil. This helps remove any accumulated grease, and creosote which can fall onto cooking food.
Clearing the Vent Cap and Draft Door – Ensure the vent cap and draft door are free from debris or obstructions. Use a cloth or paper towels to clean these components, allowing for proper air circulation and temperature control during cooking.
Reassembling the Interior Components – After cleaning, reassemble the interior components, making sure everything is securely in place for your next grilling session.
Removing Stubborn Stains and Grease – For stubborn stains or grease use the Big Green Egg exterior stain remover (Speediclean) or similar non abrasive cleaner (Simple Green). Apply in small areas and then use the microfiber cloth in small circular motions until the stain is removed.
Spray and Wipe Down the Exterior Surfaces -Use a mild soapy detergent or citrus style grill cleaner to spray and clean the exterior. This helps remove any dust, dirt, or grime that may have accumulated and maintain a nice shine. Do NOT use stainless steel cleaner, bleach, or cleaner that isn’t safe on ceramic.
Maintenance Recommendations: Ongoing cleaning and maintenance we recommend.
Clean your grill grate after every cook.
Remove ash every 3 - 5 cooks.
Wipe off the convEGGtor plate every 3 cooks.
Every month clean the interior and exterior.
For stubborn grease or after a few long smoking cooks use a high heat burn to burn off any grease or food residue.
Check gasket once a year.
Tighten bolts once a year.
If you hear the hinges squeak, then apply oil to springs and hinges.
The Gasket: The gasket needs to be replaced every five years for an average user. To do this be sure to buy the right style of gasket that can handle the heat. Note that excessive heat can melt the adhesive or “blow” the gasket by causing holes in the gasket. Because the seal is no longer intact you must replace the gasket when this occurs. You know it’s blown when the adhesive has burned off or you see smoke escaping from the seal.