2cupsiceBe sure ice completely fills the water with no gap at bottom.
Prepare the Ice Bath: Fill a glass or container large enough to handle the probe with crushed ice completely and add water until the glass is full. Stir the mixture well to ensure that the temperature throughout the glass is uniform. The temperature of this ice bath should be very close to 32°F (0°C).
Insert the Thermometer: Place the probe of the digital thermometer into the ice water mixture. Make sure the probe is fully submerged but not touching the sides or bottom of the glass, as this can affect the reading.
Wait for Stabilization: Allow the thermometer to stabilize. This will vary based on the thermometer. For digital thermometers it will take a few seconds. For dial thermometers it can take up to a minute.
Check the Reading: Once the reading has stabilized, it should be 32°F (0°C). If the thermometer shows a different temperature, note the difference.
Adjust the Thermometer: Some digital thermometers come with a calibration feature. Refer to the user manual for instructions on how to adjust the reading. If your thermometer doesn’t have this feature, you’ll need to remember the difference and adjust your readings mentally or use software adjustments if applicable. Some manufacturers like Thermoworks will do it for you for a small shipping fee.
Follow your manufacturers recommendations for calibrating. Or consider seeing if your manufacturer offers the services.