Preparation: Preheat grill using a two-zone, or direct/indirect, method using lump charcoal. Target 500 degrees Fahrenheit in the cooking chamber. Combine salt, pepper and garlic in a small bowl (this will be the dry rub). Coat the steak with olive oil, and then apply the dry rub.
Grill Direct: Grill the steak over direct heat, roughly 4-5 minutes or until a nice crust develops. Flip the steak over direct heat and sear the other side another 2-3 minutes or until a nice crust develops, and then move the steak over indirect heat to finish.
Grill Indirect: Continue cooking the steaks on indirect side for additional 8 - 10 minutes, or until the internal temperature of the steak is at your desired internal temperature. We pull ours at an internal temperature of 125 degrees for rare.
Rest and Serve: Let rest for 10 minutes to allow for carry over cooking and then slice and serve with your favorite sides.
Gas Grill: If using a gas grill follow the same method of two-zone grilling. Light two burners to medium heat leaving the third burner off for an indirect zone. Place steaks over the direct side for the same timeframes. Flip and finish over indirect heat.Steak Finishing Temperatures: When temping the steak be sure to pull the steak at an internal temperature that will allow for an additional increase of 5 degrees to account for carry over cooking.